
Our 3 signature e-courses were created to answer your independent learning needs!


Our 3 signature e-courses were created to answer your independent learning needs!

Preparation for
the fide test e-course

Prepare for success with our very efficient step-by-step independent preparation program. 

  • Most important information for Permis C and Swiss naturalisation application process
  • Everything you need to know about the exam
  • 12 modules designed to help you nail your A1, A2 or B1 exams!
  • Special Bonus Section: tips from our Super Profs, typical scenarios, fun facts, quizzes and games

French Toolbox

Brush up your français with our recorded group lessons on all subjects French. The French Toolbox can be used as a great complimentary tool which will provide more extensive explanations on topics that you don't quite understand in your French lessons, for diving deeper, or as a refresher of the French that you learned years ago.

  • 80+ recorded video French lessons
  • Two learning paths: Everyday French and Business French.

French for Everyday Life

Our e-course helps beginner and elementary learners get from level A0 to A2 within 12 months or less! Intermediate French learners (B1-B2) will also enjoy our e-course to review and consolidate their basic French knowledge.

  • 200+ hours of French lessons specifically designed for English-speaking learners with clear explanations in both French & English
  • 10 progressive modules based on what you really need to know to be able to speak French as quickly as possible
  • Modern, relevant and interactive exercises to put what you learn into practice (videos, audio tracks, quizzes, tests, and much more!)
  • Exclusive videos & exercises on French pronunciation tips for English speakers, designed by Isabelle Nicolas (founder of Prêt à Parler, French Diction Coach & Professional Opera Singer)

Disclaimer: Prêt à Parler CH does not carry out fide tests and is not yet accredited for any of the fide procedures. However, our team of Super Profs has been helping our clients to successfully pass their fide test in Suisse romande since January 2019. Our online preparation program for the fide test, blog articles, social media posts and videos are meant to help fide applicants better understand and prepare for their exam.

A Peek at Our E-courses

(Click on the screenshot to view it in full size)

What we learn with joy, we never forget.

ALFRED MERCIER (1816-1894) - (French-speaking American poet, novelist and playwright, known for his advocacy for the preservation of the Creole language and culture.)

Would you like to test our online services before investing in our programs?

Would you like to test our online services
before investing in our programs?

Try our free French Learning Kit!