Un cahier, un portable, des écouteurs… What do I need for my French lessons? September is here and this is the perfect time of the year to join a new course, take up your one-to-one lessons and continue your journey ...
What is the difference between learning French vs integrating French in your daily life?Learning French is knowing a lot of vocabulary and verb tenses in theory, but not necessarily being able to use it with confidence whenever you are in ...
Looking to spend an unforgettable summer in Suisse Romande? This picturesque region of Switzerland boasts beautiful natural landscapes, charming little towns, and delicious cuisine.The Top 5 Places to Visit in Suisse Romande this SummerWhether you're an adventurer, a lover of ...
What is your summer of choice? Some people feel energised, ready to take on new challenges and embark on adventures, while others feel like winding down and taking it slow. Today we are exploring creative strategies that will make this ...
Are you getting ready to visit France this summer? Le pays du bon vin et de la bonne nourriture truly is breath-taking! When paying it a visit, why not using some of the French that you have learned for the ...
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!Most of us know the motto Un pour tous, tous pour un! (All for one, and one for all!) traditionally associated with the titular heroes of the novel Les trois mousquetaires (The Three Musketeers). Written ...
The first of May is a bank holiday in several European countries as it celebrates la fête du travail.For me, 1 May will always be associated with the birthday of my beloved paternal grandmother.My father’s mother was from Paris, where she ...
Did you know that the word printemps comes from the old French prins, which means premier (first), and temps (time)?Yes, springtime is here: the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the idea of sipping a cool drink on ...
Have you ever had problems with your apartment since you moved to Switzerland? I certainly did more times than I can remember.My experience as a tenant in Montreal and Munich really wasn't all that and a bag of chips (really like ...
Last week we learned about Futur Simple, and now it is time to go over Le Futur Proche tense. We use this tense when we are certain that an event or action will happen, either in the immediate future, or ...
On a bright and sunny Sunday morning, I love to have brunch with my children.As we were indulging on some delightful buttery and flaky croissants last Sunday morning, a funny memory from my university years at McGill came back to ...
Ah, février, mois de l’amour…!Aren’t we all happy to leave behind January’s cold weather and post-holiday fatigue to embrace February’s sun and nature’s revival?I am not a big fan of the commercial fuss surrounding la Saint-Valentin as I believe we should be ...
I have always been une grande amoureuse de la langue française. I love the music of this language, its innumerable words and expressions, the ideas which are conveyed with them, and most importantly, the powerful attraction granted to those who ...
What is the most common subject discussed in a small talk situation? La météo, bien sûr!Whether you are attending a networking event, a soirée with new friends or a business lunch with French speaking colleagues, commenting on the weather is ...
Did your holiday feasting have an impact on your tour de taille (waist)? We often eat more than our fair share over the Holidays, but isn’t it what it’s all about? Family, food, and festivities? Mais oui!The good news is that attending a fitness ...
C'est le mois de janvier, et vous ne cessez de vous répéter qu’il faudrait un peu éliminer ces excès de Noël et du Nouvel An. Prêt à Parler se joint à vous pour vous accompagner dans cette dure mais nécessaire ...
A new year has just begun and you are full of very good intentions for 2024. If improving or learning French is part of these good resolutions, bravo!Some might feel discouraged or disempowered after a few days, weeks or months ...
Janvier est un mois de traditions et de coutumes dans le monde entier, qui le célèbre à travers divers rituels et célébrations. Alors gardez encore un peu de place dans votre estomac, car vous n’avez pas fini d’élargir (to stretch) ...
Un Noël en votre compagnie, chers élèves.En ce jour de Noël tant attendu, nous avons décidé de vous donner la parole. Oui vous, chers lecteurs, nos élèves assidus (diligent) et motivés, qui malgré les caprices de la langue française, continuez ...
It’s the final countdown until Christmas! Some of you might already be in the holiday spirit and others haven’t started thinking about it as you might still be working hard to complete your final projects at the office.In any case, ...
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