What is your summer of choice? Some people feel energised, ready to take on new challenges and embark on adventures, while others feel like winding down and taking it slow. Today we are exploring creative strategies that will make this summer a season of linguistic exploration and growth, no matter where you belong on the summertime spectrum.
Consistency is the Key to Learning: Our Tips on Practicing Your French This Summer
If you haven’t yet decided on your summer destination, visiting one of the many French-speaking countries -Suisse romande, France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Québec or Thaïti- is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the language, even for a few days or weeks.
When you arrive, tune into your daily life by subtly listening to conversations on the bus, the train, at a café, a restaurant, or in a boutique. Pay attention to local flyers, big billboards, and French radio.
Visiting a café or local restaurant is a fantastic way to pick up more French vocabulary and practice your listening and speaking skills. As most menus are bilingual, try reading the menu in French first, and when in doubt, confirm the meaning from the English menu. Once you decide what to order, set your insecurities aside, activate your speaking muscles, and place your order in French.
Being surrounded by the French language, you’ll start to pick up meanings from context, making your learning experience joyful and rewarding.
For many of us, summer is the time to slow down, release ourselves from the pressures of our hectic daily lives, and recharge for the challenges ahead. So, how does learning fit into this?
C’est simple – make it a game!
We recommend Duolingo for its gamified language learning experience, customizable to your level. You can also order flashcards online or use tools like Quizlet to play with friends and family on long summer evenings. Another fun idea is labelling items around your house in French; for example, label your door “la porte” and your window “la fenêtre.”
Movies, TV shows, music, and podcasts are excellent mediums to immerse yourself in French and aid your learning. Check out our curated lists of favourite French movies and TV shows here and here.
Explore our podcast where our Super Profs (all native speakers) discuss everyday life, literature, music, and more, offering invaluable advice for French enthusiasts. Worried about understanding? Each episode includes transcripts for easy following and translation of challenging parts.
Don’t forget to listen to French radio while cooking, driving, or during lunch breaks. Why not compile a playlist of your favourite French songs? Need more ideas? C’est ici que ça se passe!
Structured Learning
Do you feel ready to move forward and make real progress on your French learning journey?
If you want to become much more confident and comfortable communicating in French, reach the next level, or finally pass the French exam that’s been on your mind for longer than you care to admit, we are here to help you achieve real French fluency.
Our learning journeys were carefully designed to offer you an immersive approach that caters to your unique learning style, producing the results you need to make your life in French even more enjoyable and comfortable. Learn about our programs on our website, or contact us to assist you in picking the perfect program for you.
Bon été à tous et à toutes!

As a native Québécoise, born to a Franco-Belgian family, now living in Nyon with her two children, Isabelle is no stranger to the expat reality! Trained as a professional opera singer, her passion for arts and languages led her to become an ambassador of the French language & francophone culture, i.e. a French Teacher!
She founded Prêt à Parler in January 2015. Since then she's been hard at work helping English-speaking learners from the international community of Suisse romande make French part of their everyday life! Prêt à Parler's mission is based on what Isabelle does best: helping busy professionals and parents improve their French language skills by providing a high quality, eco-friendly, fun, no-nonsense approach to learning French online!