May 13, 2022
yoga class in french

Yoga Class in French

Do you think it's possible to learn French while practicing yoga? It might sound difficult at first, but it’s actually a great way to stretch your mind and body. Learning a language is not about being hours and hours in front of a book. You have limitless options to practice and improve your French while having fun. And yoga is definitely one of them! 

If you feel you wouldn't survive a yoga class in French, it’s time to change your mind. In fact, let’s start maintenant ! Come on, take a mat, wear something comfortable and grab a bottle of water. 

Vous êtes prêt? Allons-y, bienvenue à votre premier cours de yoga en français.

Bonjour à tous et à toutes et bienvenus au cours de yoga avec Isabelle! 

Nous allons commencer par des respirations lentes et profondes. Inspirez profondément par le nez et expirez lentement par la bouche.

Sentez votre cage thoracique se remplir d’air au-dessus de votre tête, du troisième oeil jusqu’au plexus solaire.

Fermez les yeux et profitez de ce moment de bien-être.

Maintenant, levez les deux mains vers le ciel le plus loin possible pour vous étirer jusqu’au bout des doigts. Mettez-vous sur la pointe des pieds et stretchez au maximum.

Enroulez la colonne vertébrale vers le bas, vertèbre après vertèbre. N’oubliez pas de respirer et de savourer ce moment de détente.

Alors ? How was it? If this wasn’t enough, look for an inspiring video in French and carry on nourishing your mind, body, and spirit. But before that, have a look at this list of useful verbs, so you can maximize the benefits of your yoga or other fitness classes. That way, you will avoid tensing your muscles when being asked to relax them or breathing out when you should be breathing in!

  • respirer par le nez / la bouche (to breathe through your nose / mouth)
  • inspirer (to breathe in)
  • expirer (to breathe out)
  • serrer (to tense)
  • tendre (to extand)
  • (se) détendre (to release (the tension))
  • lever (to lift)
  • monter (to lift, go up)
  • descendre (to go/put down)
  • se mettre à genoux (to kneel)
  • se lever (to get up)
  • se coucher (par terre / sur le tapis / le plancher) (to lie (on the ground / mat / floor))
  • rapprocher le ballon de soi (to bring the ball close to you)
  • éloigner le ballon de soi (to push the ball away from you)
  • pousser (to push)
  • tirer (to pull)
  • enrouler la colonne (to roll down the spine)
  • dérouler la colonne (to roll up the spine)
  • se tourner / coucher sur le côté (to turn / lie on your side)
  • tourner (les poignets) (to rotate your wrists)
  • plier les genoux (to bend (the knees))
  • déplier, étendre, allonger (to stretch out)
  • garder les genoux serrés (to keep your knees together)

You are now ready to have a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. 


Sonia - Prêt à Parler team


Foreign languages have always been an important part of Sonia’s life. After getting her degree in Arts and Graphic Design and a Master’s Degree in Education, she moved from her country, Spain, to England where she has been living for the last ten years. She has worked in international schools and companies, and in 2013 she founded her own language school.

This journey has left her with countless life lessons that she feels privileged to have learned first hand. She truly believes that learning a language can change you in ways you probably don’t imagine, and she tries to transmit this message across Prêt à Parler social media by creating powerful images and meaningful content.

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